Individual Agencies

DOE’s Joint Center for Energy Storage Research

In September 2018, the Department of Energy committed $120 million over five years to support the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, which devoted to advancing battery science and technology.

DOE’s Voluntary Code of Conduct

Voluntary Code of Conduct on data privacy and the smart grid articulates principles to address concerns that an individual’s energy consumption data not be disclosed in a manner that might compromise their privacy.

FERC Order 841

Required RTOs and ISOs to revise their tariffs to establish market rules that facilitate the participation of electric storage resources in the capacity, energy, and ancillary service markets.

FERC Order 745

Ensured that cost-effective demand response resources in an RTO or ISO’s territory must be compensated at the locational marginal price.

FERC Order 1000

Imposed on all public utility electric transmission providers the need to develop regional transmission plans.