4.2.7 Expanding Vehicle Charging and Refueling Infrastructure

LPDD Recommendation: “Congress, the federal government, states, and PUCs should expand financial and other support infrastructure for expanded use of EVs.”

LPDD Recommendation: “The federal government should continue to identify critical corridors for AFVs under the FAST Act to prioritize funding and development.”

LPDD Recommendation: "State governments should allocate funding and institute regulations to incentivize EV charging in residential spaces."   

LPDD Recommendation: "States could encourage service providers and workplace site hosts to install charging stations near them."

LPDD Recommendation: "States should consider providing incentives to encourage owners of multiunit dwellings to add access to electrical outlets in parking areas."

LPDD Recommendation: "State legislatures could request assistance from PUCs in promoting EV infrastructure by including EV charger costs in electric rates." 

Salt Lake City Charging Station Policies

Salt Lake City charges no fee to use a number of Level 2 charging stations installed around the city. Level 3 charging stations are subject to a $2.00 fee per charging session plus 21 cents/kWh.

Denver EV-Ready Code

Provides that for new one- or two-family dwellings with a dedicated garage, the electric load should be designed to allow the resident to install a charging station without electrical upgrades.

California’s SB 350 and Responsive PUC Decisions

SB 350 ordered the PUC to direct the state’s six investor-owned electric utilities to file applications for programs that “accelerate widespread transportation electrification.”