State Agencies

Massachusetts Permitting Revisions Focus on EJ Communities

Require certain facilities seeking air emissions permits in or near communities with EJ populations to conduct a cumulative impact analysis, and solicit meaningful involvement with EJ populations in the permitting process.

Massachusetts’ Environmental Justice Strategy

Addresses themes including meaningful community engagement, analysis of project benefits and burdens, language access plans, staff training, and metrics and tracking.

Delaware Adopts Advanced Clean Cars II

Starting in model year 2027, vehicle manufacturers are required to sell an increasing number of zero-emission vehicles, ramping up to 100 percent of new light-duty vehicle sales by 2035. 

New Jersey Adopts Advanced Clean Cars II

Starting in model year 2027, vehicle manufacturers are required to sell an increasing number of zero-emission vehicles, ramping up to 100 percent of new light-duty vehicle sales by 2035.

Massachusetts Gas Transition Order

Prohibits gas utilities from charging customers for new gas infrastructure if there are viable alternatives, and from using ratepayer money to "promote" natural gas.